Cancer Research for Massage therapy

Cancer affects not only the person that has it but it affects family, friends, co-workers, and whom ever else is around you that cares! You may feel alone or tired but you must keep on going for YOU! I had relatives, and very close friends pass away or beat cancer! I put together this information for those who are searching an answer to feel that there is hope and relaxation. Please feel free to click on any of the websites that I have provided also. Remember to take a deep breath
Studies are showing Viagra and other Erectile Dysfunction medications are causing not just high blood pressure and other serious side affects. I found a link for those whom use the little blue pills. To read more copy and paste the link to nbc news for more info

Study Estimates More than 600,000 Deaths Worldwide Caused by Second hand Smoke
Secondhand tobacco smoke is estimated to have caused more than 600,000 deaths and the loss of more than 10 million disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) worldwide in 2004, according to the first analysis of its kind. Women and children were more likely than men to be exposed to secondhand smoke and to suffer morbidity and mortality from this exposure. The findings were published online November 25 in The Lancet.
Researchers led by Dr. Mattias Öberg of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, used data for their analysis from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey and 19 additional surveys published between 1980 and 2007. They used models to estimate the burden of disease from secondhand smoke exposure for countries without direct survey data. The research team used the comparative risk assessment method, which is based on the proportion of people exposed to a pollutant and the known relative risk of disease related to that exposure.
The authors estimate that, worldwide, 40 percent of children, 35 percent of female nonsmokers, and 33 percent of male nonsmokers are exposed to secondhand smoke. In 2004, secondhand smoke caused 379,000 deaths from ischemic heart disease, 165,000 deaths from lower-respiratory infections, 36,900 deaths from asthma, and 21,400 deaths from lung cancer. Forty-seven percent of these deaths occurred among women and 28 percent occurred among children.
“Two-thirds of these deaths [among children] occur in Africa and south Asia…. The combination of infectious diseases and tobacco seems to be [deadly] for children in these regions,” wrote the authors. “Prompt attention is needed to dispel the myth that developing countries can wait to deal with tobacco-related disease until they have dealt with infectious diseases.
“The provisions of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control should be enforced immediately to create complete smoke-free environments in all indoor workplaces, public places, and on public transport,” the authors recommended..
“This landmark study documents the global magnitude of the problem of secondhand smoke exposure and its devastating consequences,” said Dr. Cathy Backinger, chief of NCI’s Tobacco Control Research Branch. “These findings should encourage a sense of urgency for ensuring that nonsmokers are protected from secondhand smoke exposure—a completely preventable health hazard.”
Breast cancer is the most common
Cancer in women. With the use of mammograms as routine screening tests, many breast cancers are detected before they ever cause any symptoms. The most common sign of breast cancer is a new lump or mass in the breast. Breast cancer lumps are generally painless and hard, and have uneven edges, but they can be tender, soft, and rounded. Other symptoms include swelling of all or part of the breast, skin irritation, breast or nipple pain, and nipple discharge other than breast milk. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men and it also has few symptoms in the early stages when screening tests, such as blood tests for prostate specific antigen (PSA), are used. Some symptoms may include difficulty urinating or a decreased stream of urine, blood in the urine or semen, and pain in the pelvis or back. People with any of these symptoms should contact their health care provider for an exam. For more information, please visit http://www.everydayhealth.com/breast-cancer/understanding/warning-signs.aspx and http://www.everydayhealth.com/prostate-cancer/prostate-cancer-basics.aspx. Michelle McDermott, PharmD
Doctors and medical researchers suspect there are two main reasons why vegetarianism may reduce your chances of developing prostate cancer.
- Vegetables probably contain cancer-fighting agents. The most prominent of these is the antioxidant lycopene, which is found in tomatoes, pink grapefruit, and watermelon, among other fruits and vegetables. Some studies have shown that lycopene may help reduce prostate cancer risk. For example, a study of physicians found that doctors who ate more tomato products, particularly tomatoes cooked in olive oil, had reduced cancer risk, says Otis W. Brawley, M.D., chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society. Cooking helps release the lycopene, making it easier for the body to process and absorb the antioxidant.
- Vegetarians eat a meat-free diet. There's a lot of research that links consumption of red meat and fatty foods to prostate cancer. "If they're not eating red meat or processed meat, that's beneficial to their prostate cancer risk," says Colleen Doyle, MS, RD, director of nutrition and physical activity for the American Cancer Society. In addition, meats that are grilled or fried too long on the stove have been shown to contain carcinogens, or cancer-causing agents.
Does Timing Matter?
Let's say you're now convinced a vegetarian diet can lower prostate cancer risk. Should you bother changing the way you eat?
Know the Most Common Types of Cancer More than 200 types of cancer have been identified, but do you know which are the most common? Learn about the 10 cancers that affect the most Americans each year.
By Diana Rodriguez Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin, MD, MPH
It's estimated that more than 11 million people in the United States have some form of cancer. There are more than 200 different types of cancer, although many are quite rare. The following are the 10 most commonly diagnosed cancer types in 2009 and the estimated number of cancer patients affected by each:
- Non-melanoma skin cancer. Affecting more than 1 million people a year, skin cancer can form in the skin cells on any part of the body, though most commonly on skin that’s been exposed to the sun. There are several types of skin cancers, including squamous cell skin cancer, found in the flat cells on the top of the skin, and basal cell skin cancer, found in the round cells deeper inside skin's outer layer. Most commonly, skin cancer affects older people or people who have a compromised immune system.
- Lung cancer. Roughly 219,440 cases of this deadly cancer were diagnosed in 2009. Lung cancer strikes the cells inside the lining of the lungs. There are two primary types of lung cancer — small cell and non-small cell lung cancer. Lung cancer claims nearly 160,000 lives annually.
- Breast cancer. This type of cancer will affect 194,280 people in 2009. This is by far the most common cancer in women, says Len Lichtenfeld, MD, deputy chief medical officer for the American Cancer Society. While the overwhelming majority of breast cancer patients are women, about 1,900 cases are diagnosed in men each year.
- Prostate cancer. Just over 192,200 cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed annually. Dr. Lichtenfeld says that this is the most common cancer to affect men, most often men over age 50. The prostate gland is a part of the reproductive system in men and is found at the base of the bladder, near the rectum. This type of cancer develops in the tissues inside the prostate gland.
- Colorectal cancer. There will be about 146,970 new cases of colon and rectal cancers combined in 2010. The colon is part of the large intestine, which helps to break down and digest food, and the rectum is the end of the large intestine that is nearest the anus.
- Bladder cancer. Nearly 71,000 people will receive this diagnosis in 2010. The bladder can be affected by cancer cells that develop within its tissues. The most common type is transitional cell carcinoma, but others, such as adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas, may also occur, depending on which bladder cells are involved.
- Melanoma. Predicted to strike close to 68,720 people, melanoma is another type of skin cancer. It forms in the skin's melanocyte cells, which produce the brown pigment melanin. Because melanoma occurs in skin that contains a lot of pigment, it frequently begins in moles. Melanoma may also be found in other pigmented parts of the body, like the intestines or even the eyes.
- Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Affecting 65,980 people, this is the term for a number of different but related cancers involving white blood cells, or lymphocytes. This type of cancer is frequently characterized by swollen lymph nodes, fevers, and weight loss. People of any age can develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma. There are many different types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma that affect different cells and parts of the body, with varying prognoses and treatment.
- Kidney cancer. Kidney cancer is diagnosed in more than 49,000 people each year. The kidneys are the organs that help to excrete waste from the body in the form of urine. Cancer can form inside the tissues or ducts of the kidneys. Although kidney cancer develops mainly in people over 40, one type of kidney tumor usually affects young children.
- Leukemia. Approximately 44,790 cases of leukemia were predicted for 2009. The four main types of leukemia are acute myeloid leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and chronic myeloid leukemia. These types of cancer often form inside the bone marrow or other cells and tissues that form blood cells, and are known as blood cancers. Leukemia results in overproduction of certain kinds of white blood cells, which then circulate in the bloodstream. Leukemia can be chronic — a slow-growing type of cancer that begins without symptoms — or acute, meaning the cells can't function normally and symptoms progress rapidly. It affects both adults and children, and kills more children under age 20 than any other cancer.
Other types of cancer that are important to mention include pancreatic, endometrial (uterine), thyroid, and sarcomas, each of which affects fewer than 43,000 people.
Massage and Cancer -
Many people with cancer wonder whether any complementary therapies can help them. Massage and other gentle body-based practices that focus on the positive effects of human touch are popular complementary therapies that you might enjoy. Touch is important for well-being. It benefits people at all stages of life and on different levels – physical, emotional and mental. It improves sleep, reduces muscular tension, provides a sense of well-being and calm, and can improve self-image and concentration. Touch is especially needed during illness. It is a powerful expression of care, acceptance and emotional nourishment. During a medical procedure, before surgery, or in the midst of discomfort or anxiety, you will probably find that touch from friends or family can be very soothing. This information provides information on the benefits of touch and massage during and following cancer treatment. It includes advice on how to receive a safe, comfortable massage from a professional or at home.
A complement to conventional medicine
Massage and touch therapies for people with cancer Making the right adjustments
- Massage and Cancer - An introduction to the benefits of touch [ 302KB] [PDF version revised January 2009]
Request a brochure For a free printed copy of Massage and Cancer: an introduction to the benefits of touch please call the Cancer Council Helpline on 13 11 20.
Editorial Policy Read the editorial policy for the Understanding Cancer series. Content revised January 2009. Touch through massage When family members and friends offer touch to a person with cancer by holding hands, hugging and sitting close by, this physical contact is very valuable. Another way to receive touch is through massage. Infants to the elderly thrive on massage. For the person receiving treatment for cancer or recovering from it, massage may be a way to lower anxiety and pain, improve energy, or decrease nausea. It is a way to feel more loved and to re-connect with oneself and others. It may ease the discomfort
of a medical procedure or help pass the time while waiting for an appointment. Some people believe massaging someone with cancer may be harmful. However, light, relaxing massage can safely be given to
people at all stages of their cancer journey. A complement to conventional medicine
- Massage is one of the most popular complementary therapies and can be used in conjunction with conventional treatment.
- Massage is not a cure for cancer, but it may lessen side effects of conventional treatment and improve quality of life.
- Receiving comforting, attentive touch can remind you that your body can still be a source of pleasure.
- Some benefits people have described about massage include feeling whole again, being able to share feelings in an informal setting, re-establishing a positive body image, and rebuilding hope.
The spread of cancer
- It is well documented that massage does not contribute to the spread of cancer.
- Cancer may metastasise (spread) into the lymphatic system (a part of the immune system) via the lymph nodes, or it may start in the lymphatic system itself. Lymphatic fluid (lymph) flows naturally through the lymphatic system when muscles contract and compress lymph vessels. This does not cause cancer to spread.
- Researchers have shown that the spread of cancer is because of genetic mutations (changes to a cell's DNA) and other processes in the body.
Benefits of massage Between friends, family members or a partner, massage can be a form of non-verbal communication to show love, acceptance, comfort and care. Some scientific studies show that massage can reduce:
- pain
- fatigue
- anxiety
- depression
- nausea.
Other benefits may include improvements in:
- sleep
- neuropathy (nerve damage or disturbance)
- quality of life
- mental clarity and alertness
- meaningful social interaction.
Another benefit of massage is reducing lymphoedema, which is swelling in tissue. Massage needs to be light, and ideally is part of a manual lymphatic drainage or total lymphatic drainage treatment, performed by therapists qualified in these techniques. Massage and touch therapies for people with cancer There are many styles of massage and other touch therapies that are commonly used for people with cancer or recovering from it. They key to a beneficial treatment is not the type of therapy but the therapist's ability to adjust the session, depending on a person's medical history, age, constitution and individual requests. Massage styles Scientific evidence supports the use of the following massage techniques when done gently for reducing various side effects of cancer and improving people's quality of life. They all require adjustments to stroke pressure.
- Acupressure: pressure points on the body are massaged to relieve physical symptoms in different organs.
- Aromatherapy: aromatic essential oils are blended in a carrier oil and applied to the skin during a massage to release stress and tension.
- Lomi lomi or ka huna Massage: Also Known as Tantric Massage Hawaiian style of massage that stimulates the flow of energy and releases stress and tension.
- Myofascial Release: sliding pressure gently stretches and heats tissue to release tension in and between the muscles.
- Reflexology: the feet are massaged in specific areas that correlate to different parts of the body in order to reduce imbalances.
- Seated Chair Massage: massage is focused on the head, neck, shoulders, back and arms to release stress and tension.
- Shiatsu: pressure points are massaged lightly with the fingers, thumbs, elbows, knees, hands and feet to restore vitality.
- Swedish Massage: long, flowing strokes balance and tone soft tissues, stimulate circulation, improve oxygen flow and relax muscles.
- Trigger Point Therapy: specific points in the soft tissue of the body are compressed and stretched to reduce muscular pain.
Other touch therapies Anecdotal (personal) reports suggest that these gentle styles of touch may benefit people with cancer by promoting relaxation and reducing pain. They require minimal or no changes, as they pressure of the touch is very light.
- Bowen therapy: ( Same as Swedish)through gentle touching and the movement of soft tissue, the body is rebalanced.
- Craniosacral therapy: subtle manipulation of the head and spine encourages the release of stress and tension from the body.
- Healing touch: the therapist's hands softly touch the body to help resotre an inner feeling of harmony, balance and well-being.
- Jin shin jyutsu: fingertips or hands are placed on key parts of the body and special breathing techniques help restore the body's energy.
- Polarity therapy: gently touching and rocking the body, and stretching or rotating the legs, leads to deep relaxation and improved well-being.
- Reiki: the hands are gently placed in different positions along or slightly above the body, which is calming and restorative.
- Therapeutic touch: soothing, rhythmic movements along the body promote peacefulness and relaxation by restoring the body's energy.
Making the right adjustments Tumour or treatment sites should not be massaged to avoid discomfort or undue pressure on the affected area or underlying organs. Cancer treatments are demanding on the body, so a person undergoing chemotherapy or radiation does not need the same type of massage as a person who has just completed a triathlon. Adjustments to the massage technique are necessary, such as decreased pressure and speed of strokes. After a massage, you will probably feel relaxed, more energetic, and nurtured. If a session is too vigorous or deep, you may feel fatigue, pain, flu-like symptoms, bruising or a sense of invasiveness. These side effects can be minimised or avoided by being open about your medical history and your individual needs. Adjustments for the long-term survivor Eventually, you may be able to return to more vigorous types of massage, but make sure you ask your therapist to massage using less pressure in any area that you are still experiencing discomfort. Some conditions, listed below, will require adjustments to the massage technique for a long period of time.
- Risk of lymphoedema: If part of your treatment or diagnostic process included the removal of lymph nodes from the neck, armpit, or groin, you should only have gentle massage in that section of the body.
- Bone fragility: Some treatments, such as radiation or medications, or the disease itself, may cause the bones to become more fragile. Care should be taken in those areas to avoid undue pressure.
- Neuropathy: Certain chemotherapy drugs can cause long-term numbness in the hands and feet. A lighter pressure is best for those areas.
Receiving professional massage The goal of receiving massage during treatment and recovery should be comfort, support, physical nourishment of the skin, and emotional nurturing. In this restful state, side effects from cancer treatments, such as pain, fatigue and anxiety, are reduced and your overall well-being can improve. Tips for receiving professional massage A letter from your oncologist about your diagnosis and treatment will assist your massage therapist to develop an appropriate massage plan for you. Choosing a therapist
- Choose a therapist who is a member of a professional association so you know they have received adequate professional training in massage.Ask a potential massage therapist about their specific training and experience in cancer care. For example:
- What types of massage or touch therapies have you been trained in?
- What kind of training have you done to work with someone with a history of cancer?
- What type of precautions would you take for me?
- What type of clients do you most often work with? (Ideally people who require special adjustments)
- Would you be able to work with my doctors or other health professional