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a must read for you men..


Male Pelvic Floor :

As you all know, by checking the website, or by personally being on my table that I am extremely concerned with many issue involving the Pelvic floor. I am finding that in many cases with the Prostate area or even enduring the horrific Prostate cancer removal. I have found several symptoms that actually have nothing to do with the prostate area. I have taken notes, possible different approaches, I ask a ton of questions and then I do the research.

What creates tension in the muscles of the pelvic floor and how does that cause the pain and dysfunction associated with CP/CPPS Let's first tell you what h those letters even mean.Chronic Prostatitis Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

When men are having pain such as back aches, headaches, weird sensations below the abdominal area, irritability, urination problems, and so many other symptoms.

It is because men harbor there mental stress, emotional challenges, and past experience in which it becomes a muscle strain, nerve problems and becomes embedded in the pelvic floor muscles in the form of tightness and rigidity. Chronic tightness and rigidity will eventually be felt as pain. For some men the pelvic floor can be a chronic tension zone, an area where their mental stress and emotional anxiety tends to get translated into physical tension. Men with chronic pelvic pain have a tendency to focus tension in the pelvic floor under stress. Sometimes with men feelings of irritability may or may not have any thing to do with sexual behavior or lack of. With out boring the daylights out of you readers or have this huge blog post I encourage you to visit and I don't get slapped with plagiarism.

I hope this helps some of you readers..

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