Massage for thought!
Wife is going through menopause and husband is having ED! This is a cause for disaster in the bedroom and house hold. Since I have been doing massages I have had both types of people in. I found that for some reasoning we have been taught women loose lack of interest while menopause in my opinion this is not true at all I have have several women and including a relative whom is in the massage business tell me different. The husbands seem to not want to perform or can't as well as they use to. Which from my gatherings it is because of the ED, so here it is in my blog!
Men whom are in the category please please do your wife a favor ( wives whom are reading should go on my website your hubby will be fine) The Medical Tantra is great for the "problem" no bad side affects and your romance will be much better.
Wife: If your going through menopause or even stress anxiety and just don't feel you want to roll around in the sheets! Massages with medical tantra will get your spirits up.
Here it is for the thought of the day..